
Summer of Restoration Series: Restorative Approaches with Behavioral Health Supports in Schools

by Alan Delery In my last post, I stated that I would be doing a summer series on Restorative Approaches. For today’s post, I’ve decided to share some of the work that I have done in schools around restorative approaches. I think this…

Summer of Restoration Series: What’s your body telling you?

by Alan Delery One of the greatest feelings in life is the feeling of belonging. If we were to take the time to observe how it feels in our bodies when we are connected to others, we would likely notice a sense of satisfaction, contentment…

Let’s Talk About Love (Part 3)

As I approach my ½ century birthday, I have been reflective of my life’s mission. It is summed up in Jesus’ own words when he was talking to the religious leaders of His time. They asked him to state the greatest commandment of the Law. 37Jesus…