Homeless Service ProjectOn April 15, members of Positive Impact completed our first quarter service project. In the beginning of the year “Homelessness” was selected as the first quarter focus. After discussing issues around homelessness it was decided to prepare “Care Packages” to distribute to the homeless. Research was done on appropriate items to include in the packages.

The decision making process was quite interesting as the group debated the items to include, that balanced essential needs and manage the cost per package. In the end we produced bags at a cost of 14.00/Care Package.

The decision was made to hand the packages directly to individuals under the bridge, near the New Orleans Mission, rather than directly to the Mission. This gave us an opportunity to talk with people receiving the items. It was quite an experience as we heard their stories. In the end, the recipients of the packages were blessed but were a blessing to us as well.

As we reflected on the experience, some shared that they would like to do it again and encourage others to get involved. One youth said, “I’d like to keep bags like this in my car at all times so that I can give it to people wherever I am stopped at a light near a homeless person.”

While I don’t know that we would do it the same way again, it is my position that sharing life with others, with different situations than our own, broadens our understanding of humanity. We are all in this world together and we have to figure out ways to bless one another. We never know when we might be in need of a hand from a stranger.

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